Thinking Mind Cannot Rest If You are Sleeping

Give it some rest as every tool deserves rest

Pretheesh Presannan
1 min readOct 14, 2022
Photo by Supriya Samanta on Unsplash

one must give rest
to his tools
thinking-mind is a tool
yet we use it for
all wrong purposes
give mind rest
but it can only rest
if you are awake
if you sleep
you will automatically
continue ignorance
continue overworking the tool
for all the wrong purposes
considering this
we inevitably encounter our own laziness
masquerading as being active
we see we were sleeping and
letting thinking mind do everything
we were not even there
other than momentary thoughts
appearing as if me and my free will
we might see that even the state of being asleep
is something we let our thinking mind do for us.

Thought equates its absence, the absence of thought, with loss of control, and to…



Pretheesh Presannan

Panic Attack Survivor. Just writing. Plays cricket. Design&Develop. You can find short stories, poems, etc, here. For any work mail to :