To Just Be

For we are human beings

Pretheesh Presannan
2 min readFeb 25, 2022
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash

why would
the clock tick
when I ain’t
looking at it
why would
the clock tick
when I ain’t
listening to it
its ticking sound
it’s energy wastage
is it not?
sure it is purely mechanical
but what about us
we are human beings
we have mechanicalness
but we aren’t destined to be
at mercy of mechanicalness
the mechanical suffering
— the robotic thought-doings —
we must be able to be
just like that clock
the clock that only ticks
when I want it to
(which had never been invented yet?)
yet always shows the right time
which is NOW
maybe someone would
but it does not matter
when we, human beings, are fully mechanical
with no capacity to just be.



Pretheesh Presannan

Panic Attack Survivor. Just writing. Plays cricket. Design&Develop. You can find short stories, poems, etc, here. For any work mail to :